you know you know

Friday, November 3, 2006


Friday, November 03, 2006
:( i may offend some people, it is not my intention, my intention is to rant that is all. I am equal opportunity, if i don't piss you off today, i will do it tomorrow)
True story
Chapter 1:
7 out of 20 of my new "neighborhood" kids came to my door with grocery sacks rudely shoved in my face, no manners and NO COSTUME. Did they not get the nationwide multigenerational centuries old memo on this? What f*ckin idiot parents sends their kid out to trick or treat with out at least a hat or deelypop headband on to pass as a costume. Before you get to feel too sorry for these kids, take into account these Demographics of my neighborhood.....NO house is under the 300K mark or at least $2000 per month rental, Most families are dual parent, you can't tell me that at least one of them didn't know about the costume requirement, didn't have enough money to shell out a couple bucks at walgreens for a plastic "bratz" or "batman" costume. I am not stupid, this is slumming candy. My house does not have a "sizzler" sign on it (though i am that flashy....)My HOUSE IS NOT AN ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET!!!!!.
Chapter 2:
We had the most amazing weather that night. Frickin 70 degrees, hell, i took kYle around in short sleeves for god's sake. It was perfect for walkin around, spending time with your kid. Why in the world would a parent be so lazy as to follow thier kid around the hood trailing them with the car to EACH house or better yet, i actually saw a couple of parents driving the kid to each house.....saying that our houses are like maybe, at the most 15 feet apart? I live next to a damned gated community......not exactly the dangerous streets of LA! Amazingly enough these are the same kids without a costume.........coincidence? I think not. Lazy lazy people. Seriously, you are encouraging your child to go door to door collecting fattening candy and you are driving them to do it? Can these people even pronounce childhood obesity?
Chapter 3:
three thank yous
Chapter 4:
Left out (as i have many years past) a bowl that begs to take one candy b/c i am myself taking my child trick or treating.....
better described in a movie title "Gone in 60 seconds" my behavior upon finding said empty bowl "Fast and Furious"
my conclusion: rich people starve thier young
Chapter 5:
Keep in mind this is still a true story. My friend Kathy said that two parents came to her door with bags for candy......upon asking them where their costumed children were....they of course replied, "yeah, they really didn't feel like coming out".
I wish i had a spokesperson/maid/personal perveyor of sweattarts and 3 muskateers.
Chapter 6: In farmington New Mexico, people who live in neighborhoods near the reservations were encouraged to stop spending easily $100 an up on candy because of the growing number of cases of diabetes.....upon looking into this more I learned that is is because the whole family comes to the door with bags.........trash bags........Grandma, Granpa, Uncle Mike, ma and the trailing cousins in a truck decend on your lawn and don't leave until they get their loot.
Can someone please explain this phenomonon to me? For i am confused as all get out!

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