you know you know

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny

So, i want to reactivate my sarcastic funny bone and start blogging again. I slowed down because when i was on bed rest with my daughter we thought we were losing her everyday...and well, there is just nothing funny about that. Then came Facebook. The beauty (to me ) of FB is that I could get immediate gratification from posting a rant. I didn't have to type up a page and hope that someone would read it. I just let the "mouth diarrhea" come out and people either liked it or hated it (or worse; ignored it) So then i got down to the business of letting my blog go extinct along with the myspace page it started on. But, i go back and read those and giggle a little to myself. especially the time capsule like quality of being able to remember how i hated Sanjaya on American Idol or loathed the rich kids in my neighborhood at Halloween or to feel exactly what i was well, feeling at that moment. Not that anyone but me really cares, but it's something none-the-less.
So here i go. i make no promises. after all, there really aren't any cheesy awards shows coming up and none of us are at all shocked that J-Lo and Vampire-Mark-Anthony are splitting. Shoulda put $ down on that one eh?

ooh, i just noticed that the posting space now (4 years later) has spell check. this is good, but now it might make me look a bit more full of care. shit. there goes my cover.

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